The majority of words in any given natural language are names that are locally and usually arbitrarily defined. Such names are generally outside the domain of Ododu words and thus are difficult to include on any derivational basis. However, for Ododu to be a practical and functional language there is a need to include such names and to have a simple and unambiguous procedure for their use.
The naming procedure described in The Ododu Language considers a name to be any word that has one or more of the following characteristics; begins or ends with a consonant; contains two or more consecutive consonants or vowels in its core; contains a “v” or “j”. All names are assumed to be nouns, either used as subjects in a sentence, or as identifiers in lists, titles, signage, or other uses not dependent on a grammar for understanding or interpretation.
However, there are many times when it is desirable to use a name in a grammatical context that is not that of a noun used as a subject in a sentence. To do this the word is started with a Y followed by the classifying Ododu vowel for noun, verb, modifier, etc.. The name is then inserted and the word is ended with a final vowel that specifies usage (subject, tense, etc.). For example to use the English word "table" as a real noun serving as the subject of a sentence in Ododu you could just write “table”. However, to use the word “table” as a direct object in a sentence, you would write "yutablei". To turn table into a verb, for example “to table” a motion, write “yitableu”.
The ability to use any word from any language within the Ododu grammar as a name allows for the inclusion of all the other languages within the Ododu paradigm. Since Ododu actually contains relatively few words compared with most natural languages, and since most names in natural languages are nouns used as subjects in sentences this actually allows Ododu to become a part of, or embedded within, other natural languages